Preparing for Your Family Law Court Appointment

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    Preparing for Your Family Law Court Appointment 

    Family law matters can be stressful and emotional, no matter how uncomplicated they seem, especially if you go into the hearing without knowing what to expect or bring. Attending the trial or hearing is one of the most important parts of your case. Preparation can often make or break your argument or request. If you are looking to navigate your hearing without any issues, then start preparing early for a smooth and quick legal process. 

    Before Your Family Law Hearing 

    As stated earlier, one of the most important parts of your case is attending your hearing. Before your hearing, make sure you fully understand the laws that will apply to your case. This will help you prove or disprove any information during the hearing. You will also want to make sure that you understand your and the opposition’s positions as well. Most importantly, before your hearing you will want to gather all the appropriate documents to prove or defend your case like text or call records, emails, police reports, and others. Make sure all documents are disclosed to the other side of the hearing as required by law. Lastly, make sure that you identify all your witnesses and know some of their testimony. This will help you stay fully aware of the events during your hearing. 

    The Day of Your Family Law Hearing 

    When the day of your family law hearing arrives, you may be getting the jitters. However, with the right preparation, you can glide through the hearing without any snags. First and foremost, make sure those legal documents are organized neatly and that everything is filed appropriately! The judge will not want to waste time sorting through disorganized legal documents. You should also bring copies of all documents that you and the other side have filed with the court. When in front of a judge, speak clearly and loudly and conduct yourself in an appropriate manner. Avoid arguing with the judge or opposing side. Both sides will have enough time to state their arguments. Bringing an outline of talking points is a great way to avoid tangents or being taunted into a yelling match. 

    Other Important Tips 

    One of the biggest tips for preparing for your family law hearing is to be on time! Punctuality is key when making a positive first impression on the judge. When preparing to leave, plan for any unexpected delays or traffic while on the way. At least thirty minutes early is a good rule of thumb. This will help if you need time to park, navigate, and collect yourself. Dressing modestly and professionally will also benefit your case. Avoid wearing shorts, tank tops, halter-tops, or casual jeans or sneakers. A more in-depth guide on how to prepare can be found here.  

    today or call (909) 224-4361 to schedule your next appointment with our team of professional LDAs!